Why Real-Time Delivery Tracking is Crucial for Your Business?

An estimated 13% of Indians have already used on-demand services. This number is probably going to extend within the coming years. Businesses should expect more consumers to form their purchases online instead of visit brick-and-mortar stores and restaurants.

Real-time delivery tracking in delivery tracking software may be a critical component of on-demand deliveries. Businesses by now should be performing on tracking their deliveries in real-time, especially since they will not be ready to beat their competitors without it. Persons still wary of shifting into real-time tracking of deliveries must consider these main benefits.

Advantages of Real-Time Delivery Tracking

Route Optimization

A big chunk 28% of delivery personnel are independent contractors or freelancers, who are, unfortunately, left on their own to seek out the simplest routes.

Most delivery management solutions also accompany a route optimization planner, which, as its name suggests, find the simplest routes in only a couple of minutes. Route optimization eliminates time-consuming manual route planning. Automatic route planning helps dispatchers and drivers alike find the shortest distance or fastest routes taking into consideration many variables like traffic bottlenecks, road closures, one-way traffic, weather, and other scheduled deliveries.

More Deliveries

A delivery tracking solution also can assign drivers automatically and efficiently. It can identify the closest driver for a replacement order. Automatically assigning drivers alongside automated route planning allows businesses to deliver more packages every single day.

Real-Time Visibility on Delivery Personnel

A real-time tracking app allows managers or business owners to possess real-time visibility on their delivery personnel. The GPS tracking of drivers lets managers or admins know where the driving force is, the status of their assignment, and other information like idle and transit time, and idle and in transport distances at any given time.

Improved Delivery Personnel Performance

Real-time delivery tracking helps businesses identify delivery personnel who are underperforming or constantly going off-route, also because of the high performers. The delivery routing software offers managers with useful understandings of whether their drivers have high or low success, delayed, failed, and on-time deliveries. This information is often used because of the basis for rewarding high performers or coaching the underperformers.

High Customer Satisfaction

Consumers are not any longer content to easily await their packages to arrive. They need to understand where their orders are in real-time. A real-time delivery tracking solution offers an accurate estimated time of arrival (ETA) and provides customers with real-time updates should there be any unexpected delays within the delivery.

Benefits for All Stakeholders

It's not just the business owner who's taking advantage of real-time delivery tracking; all stakeholders also enjoy advantages.

Drivers will have a neater time performing their jobs with a delivery tracking system. They receive orders more efficiently because the solution takes into consideration drivers' proximity in assigning tasks. Plus, they will not need to find the simplest routes on their own or affect unidentifiable landmarks, misdirection, and other usual challenges when trying to find the customer's delivery address. Real-time delivery tracking helps in confirming that assignments are completed within a shift, thus permitting drivers to plan and take their own time and days off.

Managers, on the opposite hand, will experience streamlined order management also as automatic task designation. The delivery tracking Cloud-Based Software Solution, after all, automates many processes. Managers only need to affect one system when trying to locate a driver and corresponding with team members on the road.

Thanks to GPS tracking, it's much easier for patrons to understand where their orders are. They do not need to call or email customer service just to seek out the status of their package, as they only got to use their mobile to ascertain the progress of the delivery. Consumers also become more empowered by real-time tracking delivery apps since they will easily provide feedback on the service.

If you're in need of delivery tracking software, then visit our website https://www.couriermitra.com or mail us your query at contact@sagarinfotech.com


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